Very Simple And Easy Slot Machine On Java

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Casinos are a shady business, but I'm even more suspicious of a slot machine that offers me a random prize without displaying the result of the spin. I don't recommend developing a habit of relying on non-standard libraries that don't do very much. Use the equals method of the Slot class to compare values. The result method should only return three values: 3 if all three match, 2 if two match, and 0 if no slots match. Also a method on the SlotMachine class named resultStr which returns a String that is used to show the results of the slots (the string returned will look like this: ' 0 4 3 ').

We have already written C++ Program to solve Simple Banking Problem, Now let us solve this using Java. In this program we are using two classes, bankInternal and Bank which carry out the required operations.


bankInternal has a constructor which gathers all the required information like account number, initial balance of the account. Deposit method is used to deposit money in the account and withdraw method is used to withdraw money from the account, if there is sufficient balance in the account.

Very Simple And Easy Slot Machine On Java Free

JavaVery Simple And Easy Slot Machine On Java

Bank contains the main method which creates object to the bankInternal class. We have created object named myObj and calling only deposit() and withdraw() methods as we don’t need to call bankInternal() because it is a constructor and it will be called once the object is created.

Java Program to Solve Simple Banking Problem


Very Simple And Easy Slot Machine On Java Games

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